Final Exam Schedule

For Bussiness of Administation semester 1

Selasa 12 januari: PMB 08.00-10.00

Rabu 13 Januari: English 08.00-10.00

Kamis 14 Januari: Indonesia 08.00-09.30

Jumat 15 Januari: Kwn 10.00-11.30

Senin 18 Januari: Hukum 13.30-15.00

Selasa 19 Januari: PIA 10.00-11.30

Rabu 20 Januari: OTN 08.00-09.30

Kamis 21 Januari: PIE 13.30-15.00


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Edit Template

Temen2 mau edit template?ini ya cara nya..

1. Buka web penyedia template-template yang dapat digunakan untuk blog kalian. Contohnya gw berikan 2 : dan di web yang gw berikan ini tersedia bermacam-macam template yang bisa dijadikan referensi teman-teman sekalian.
2. Pilih template yang teman-teman suka lalu download templatenya. Kalau teman-teman agak ragu dengan templatenya, bisa juga kok di preview dulu. Caranya gampang, klik aja tulisan Preview atau Demo di webnya.
3. Setelah di download, bagi teman-teman yang mendapatkan file yang hasilnya dalam ekstensi file *.rar, file tersebut di ekstrak dulu dengan cara klik kanan di file-nya lalu pilih extract here atau extract file. Kalau yang hasilnya dalam ekstensi *.xml itu sudah ok dan ikuti langkah selanjutnya.
4. Kalau sudah mendapatkan file *.xml-nya, lalu kita buka blog kita dan pilih edit lalu klik tata letak atau layout lalu klik edit HTML, lalu browse tempat kita menaruh file template (yang ekstensinya *.xml) yang sudah kita download tadi, kalau sudah klik upload atau unggah. Catatan : Langkah ke-4 ini khusus buat teman-teman yang bikin blog di blogger, buat teman-teman yang bikin blog-nya di tempat lain mungkin berbeda cara mengedit blog-nya, maap banget nih ya sebelumnya. hehehehe. oh iya lupa, bagi teman-teman yang di blog-nya ada macem" fitur seperti jam atau musik atau apalah gitu kayak blog gw ini, maka semua fitur-fiturnya akan hilang (akan ada peringatannya dahulu yang diberikan oleh blogger). Saran saya di backup dulu page sourcenya (tulisan-tulisan yang ada di kotak Edit HTML-nya) supaya teman-teman tidak perlu repot-repot mencari-cari source kodenya lagi.
5. Setelah itu kalau teman-teman mau melihat previewnya klik aja priview/pratinjau, nanti teman-teman dapat melihat Demo hasil-nya. Kalau sudah simpan template/save template dan setelah itu maka jadilah baru tampilan blog kalian. hehehehehe.

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About my old girl friend

I want to tell you about my Old girlfriend^o^

Her name is She, she study in Univercity of Jakarta. I have to be boy and girl friend in 1 years. But now, we were broken. Her face is cute. I always give a flower when we walk arround in a park. Now, we are just friend.
that's my old story. ^o^

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AIDA Concept for Presentation

The AIDA model is more a model for effective selling rather than purchasing, although selling and purchasing can be considered as just two facet of the same selling process. The Name AIDA has been formed by first letter of four words that represent sequential steps in an effective selling process. These are Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.

As per AIDA model, a salesperson can achieve most effective results by following the four sequential steps while interacting with a prospective customer.

1. Attract attention: In this step the sales person only attracts the customers attention so that the customer will agree to continue the meeting with sales person and pay attention to what is being said.
2. Create interest: In this the step the salesperson provides information about the product that arouses the customer's interest. This means that customer is interested to know more about the product, but is not really thinking of buying it.
3. Kindle Desire: Here the salesperson links the product and its features to the needs and wants of the customer. This results in customer perceiving the product as a means of satisfying his needs and wants, and doing this better than other competing products.
4. Take action: Just because the customer is convinced about utility of a product and desires to buy it does not mean that he or she will actually decide to buy it immediately. The salesperson must further lead the prospect to place the order. This is also called the process of closing the sale.

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Coherence from General English page 94

(1)The Golden Gate Bridge separates San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. (2) She went to Japan Center, where the buildings and restaurants looked familiar. (3) But San Francisco did not look anything like New York. (4) It crosses from San Francisco to Oakland. (5) Many homes have views of the bay and ocean. (6) Here she was able to talk with people in her native language. (7) She expected to find the tall skyscrapers she had seen on postcards of New York. (8) The Bay Bridge is majestic. (9) Miyoko’s first stop on her flight from Tokyo to the United States was San Francisco. (10) Miyoko especially liked the two bridges that cross San Francisco Bay. (11) From them she learned that San Francisco is a most hospitable city for people from the Orient. (12) After seeing the many hills and bridges, Miyoko was surprised to learn that San Francisco has a very large Japanese population. (13) Even more beautiful is the Golden Gate Bridge, stretching from San Francisco to Marin Country. (14) For one thing, it is all built on hill.


1. (9)
2. (7)
3. (3)
4. (14)
5. (5)
6. (10)
7. (8)
8. (4)
9. (13)
10. (1)
11. (12)
12. (2)
13. (6)
14. (11)

Miyoko’s first stop on her flight from Tokyo to the United States was San Francisco. She expected to find the tall skyscrapers she had seen on postcards of New York. But San Francisco did not look anything like New York. For one thing, it is all built on hill. Many homes have views of the bay and ocean. Miyoko especially liked the two bridges that cross San Francisco Bay. The Bay Bridge is majestic. It crosses from San Francisco to Oakland. Even more beautiful is the Golden Gate Bridge, stretching from San Francisco to Marin Country. The Golden Gate Bridge separates San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. After seeing the many hills and bridges, Miyoko was surprised to learn that San Francisco has a very large Japanese population. She went to Japan Center, where the buildings and restaurants looked familiar. Here she was able to talk with people in her native language. From them she learned that San Francisco is a most hospitable city for people from the Orient.

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Mr. Stephanus Agung Prasetyo was a Manager of Finance in PT. Astra Honda Motor. After he left Institution of Management Telkom in 2012. His responsibilities included the usual of finance.

He always used his best effort in work with conscientiously and seriously. He is a hard worker, a accurate officer and he can work under pressure to meet deadline with satisfied result. He always have a good presentation and interpersonal skill

He was talented , creative and able to team work. He was very friendly, energic , and have a great sense of humor. It was a great loss to both my self and the company when he decided to resign from our company to continue his study.

Overall he has a good character, dedication and approach to be suitable for the position of Assistant Production Manager. I can recommended her highly and ready to be contacted for further information.

HRD Manager

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CV in English

Personal Details
Full Name : Stephanus Agung Prasetyo
Sex : Male
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, June 21, 1991
Nationality : Indonesian
Marital Status : Student Collage
Height, Weight : 178 cm, 45 kg
Health : Asthma
Religion : Achristian
Address : Cibodas street blok C13 no. 166
Mobile : 0899 8708 209
Phone : 022-91429100 / 021-8462686
E-mail :

Educational Background

1997 - 2003 : Elementary School of Chatholic Pamardi, Bekasi
2003 - 2006 : Junior High School of Chatholic Pamardi, Bekasi
2006 - 2009 : Senior High School No. 5, Bekasi

Course & Education
2004 - 2005 : Course at Ganesha Operation Science course, Jakarta
2007 - 2008 : English Course at LIA, Jakarta
2008 - 2009 : Course at Sony Sugema Collage, Jakarta

Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation).
Taxation System.
Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
Internet Literate.

Working Experience
Agustus 2015-2016 : Manajemen Keuangan
February 2014–Juni 2015 : Akuntan
PT. Akurat Intan Madya
Jl. Gajah Mada

Bandung, December 14, 2009

Stephanus Agung P

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Specific to General page 116

Put number 1 above the most specific word. Put number 2 the less specific word. And put number 3 above the most general word.

1. Music, rock music, twentieth-century music
2. Japanese mountain, mount fuji, mountain
3. Problems, water pollution problems, pollution problems
4. Pine tree, evergreen tree, tree
5. Musicians, Michael Jackson, popular musician
6. Nicaragua, country, central American country
7. Man, Dr. Diamond, dentist
8. Place, boston, city
9. The New York Times, newspaper, reading material
10. Group, diamond family, people
11. Storm, tornado, wind storm
12. President, person, political leader
13. Shirt, white shirt, clothing
14. Flute, musical instrument, wind instrument 1
15. Company, IBM corporation, Organization


1. 1.Rock music, 2. twentieth-century music, 3. music
2. 1. Mount Fuji, 2. Japanese mountain, 3. Mountain
3. 1. Water pollution, 2. Pollution problems, 3. Problems
4. 1.pine tree, 2. Evergreen tree, 3. Tree
5. 1. Michael Jackson, 2. Popular musician, 3. Musician
6. 1. Nicaragua, 2. Central American country, 3. Country
7. 1. Dr. Diamond, 2. Dentist, 3. Man
8. 1. Boston, 2. city, 3. Place
9. 1. The New York Times, 2. Reading material, 3. Newspaper
10. 1. Diamond family, 2. Group, 3. People
11. 1. Tornado, 2. Wind storm, 3. Storm
12. 1. President, 2. Political leader, 3. Person
13. 1. White shirt, 2. Shirt, 3. Clothing
14. . Flute, 2. Wind instrument, 3. Musical instrument
15. 1. IBM corporation, 2. Organization, 3. Company

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Grammar page 69

1. So many people is/are waiting outside.
2. The office next door was/were closed all day yesterday.
3. The print on the labels is/are so small.
4. The Carpet has/have so many stains on it that it needs/need to be replaced.
5. The Trade Union members meeting is/are downstairs in the Conference Room.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor has/have moved in next door to us
7. Two cars and coach was/were involved in the motorway accident
8. His Application form for the new job, which was/were posted yesterday, has/have gone missing
9. My neighbour play /plays his music so loud that the walls almost vibrate/vibrates.
10. Ricardo do/does not care whether Unnited or City is/are winning.
11. The bouquet of flowers has/have just arrived.
12. He makes/make use of the computer now, and even writes/write reports for the manager with it.
Answer :
1. Are
2. Was
3. Are
4. Have, need
5. Are
6. Have
7. Was
8. Was, has
9. Play, vibrates
10. Does, is
11. Has
12. Makes, writes

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