Job Application Letter

Cibodas Street, Jatiwaringin
Pondok Gede, Bekasi

20 September 2016
Mr. Robert
Personnel Manager
PT. Telkom Indonesia, Tbk

Dear Mr. Robert,

I was interested to see your advertisement in Kompas 20 September 2016, and would like to be considered for this post.
I am presently working as Manager of Finance at PT. Astra Honda Motor and have a wide range of responsibilities. These include attending and taking minutes of meetings and interviews, dealing with decision for finance of company.
I was interested to work in your company, because your company has been famous, and, I want to make your company become more famous.
I hope to hear from you soon and to be given the opportunity to present myself at an interview.

Yours sincerely

Stephanus Agung

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Curiculum Vitae Indonesia


Data Pribadi :
N a m a : Stephanus Agung Prasetyo S.An
Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 21 Juni 1991
Agama : Kristen
Status Pernikahan : Single
KTP : 3275062106910012
Alamat : Jalan Cibodas blok C 13 nomer 166 Antilop
Jaticempaka, Pondok Gede
Bekasi 17411
Tinggi, Berat : 168 cm, 60 kg
Kesehatan : Ashma
Telepon Rumah : 021-8462686
Telepon Genggam : 022-91429100 ; 08998708209
Email :

Riwayat Pendidikan :
13 Oktober 2013 : Sarjana Administrasi Niaga
Juni 2009 : Sekolah Menengah Atas
SMA Negeri 5 Bekasi
2003 : Sekolah Menengah Pertama
SMP Katolik Pamardi Yuwana Bhakti
2000 : Sekolah Dasar
SD Katolik Pamardi Yuwana Bhakti

Pengalaman Kerja :
Agustus 2015-2016 : Manajemen Keuangan
Februari 2014–Juni 2015 : Akuntan
PT. Akurat Intan Madya
Jl. Gajah Mada

Pengalaman Organisasi :
Juni 2009–Agustus 2014 : Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Basket
Institut Manajemen Telkom Bandung
Institut Teknologi Telkom
Jl. Surapati, Bandung

Bekasi, 24 November 2018

Stephanus Agung Prasetyo

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Cahaya Natal

Met Hari Raya Natal ya all..

Merry Christmast!!Semoga damai Natal Selalu di Hati!!^o^

buka ya kartu natal nya ^o^

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22 Sentences

Name : Stephanus Agung P
My NIM : 109100046

1. He is a Student Collage. (is)
2. I bought a notebook yesterday. (was)
3. To study English, you must study seriously. (to infinitive, must)
4. I will do, what ever you say. (will)
5. We were living in America, when the war started. (were)
6. It has a tail. (has)
7. I have a dream. (have)
8. We are from Indonesia. (are)
9. They did not see the TV show, last night. (did)
10. You can call me sate. (can)
11. He used to play football in kindergarten. (used to)
12. He ought to finished my presentation. (ought to)
13. They had worked in my father's company. (had)
14. I do my homework. (do)
15. She does not care what ever you say. (does)
16. He should spend more times on his homework. (should)
17. I could call him, fadhly (could)
18. I am a student collage. (am)
19. Shell we gather at the river. (shell)
20. They would go to Bandung Indah Plaza. (would)
21. May i borrow your pen? (may)
22. when we accept defeat might it's not a failure but it is a delayed success (might)

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SQ3R: A Reading Technique
How to Hit the Books

SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. It is a proven technique to sharpen textbook reading skills. In college, you'll frequently be assigned multiple chapters for several different courses in books that can be quite complicated. SQ3R helps make reading purposeful and meaningful, so that you use your time most effectively. Here's how this strategy works.

Get an idea of what the chapter is about by reviewing the highlights:

* Read the title, headings, and subheadings.
* Take note of words that are italicized or bold.
* Look at charts, graphs, pictures, maps, and other visual material.
* Read captions.
* Read the very beginning and end of the chapter.


As you survey the text, ask a question for each section. Ask what, why, how, when, who and where questions as they relate to the content. Here's how you can create questions:

* Turn the title, headings, or subheadings into questions.
* Rewrite the questions at the end of the chapter or after each subheading in your own words.

Write down your questions. Questions help you pay attention, understand the text better, and recall the information more easily later on.

Read one section of a chapter at a time, actively looking for an answer to your question for that section. Pay attention to bold and italicized text that authors use to make important points. Be sure to review everything in the section, including tables, graphs, and illustrations, as these features can communicate an idea more powerfully than written text.

At the end of each section, look up from the text and in your own words recite an answer to your question for that section. Then write down your answer. Be sure to provide examples that support it.

Now repeat the Question, Read, and Recite steps for each section of the chapter or assigned reading. First ask a question for the next section. Then read to find the answer. Finally, recite the answer in your own words and jot it down. The written questions and answers will help you study in the future.

After completing each chapter or reading assignment, review your notes. Identify the main points of the reading by looking for the most important idea in each section. Recite, or write, a brief summary of the chapter or assignment.

Review your study notes every week to help you remember the information. When it's time to study for your tests, you'll find you've created an invaluable guide.

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Banyak Musibah dan Ramalan 2012

Kita tau,sekarang banyak sekali musibah yang melanda negara kita maupun bumi ini. Dari Lumpur Lapindo, Gempa Bumi, Pesawat Hilang, Kapal Tenggelam dan lain-lain. Kalau di bayangkan sangatlah mengerikan,berapa ratus orang(jiwa) yang meninggalkan kehidupan nya dengan tiba-tiba tanpa persiapan.

Apalagi dengan muncul nya ramalan 2012. Ada yang percaya, sampai merasa ketakutan, karena sudah mulai banyak musibah seperti yang di katakan para peramal benar-benar terjadi,tetapi ada juga yang merasa itu hanya Omong kosong belaka.

Mungkin bisa di katakan "bohong", bisa juga di katakan "tidak bohong".

Mengapa bisa dikatakan bohong?karena kita hanya manusia biasa,kita ga tau apa-apa tentang masa depan, kita tak sempurna, semua nya yang tahu hanyalah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, tentang semua kejadian yang akan terjadi dan benar-benar terjadi, karena ALLAH punya buku Kehidupan, dimana yang berisikan tentang semua rencana ALLAH, kepada manusia. Itulah guna nya kita memiliki agama,percaya pada Sang Khalik, Sang Pencipta segalanya. Bukan percaya kepada Manusia.

Tapi,kenapa juga bisa di bilang itu "tidak bohong"? Karena mereka yang meramalkan tentang 2012 adalah para manusia yang memiliki kemampuan lebih dari manusia biasa. Sedangkan semua kemampuan manusia,di berikan oleh ALLAH, Sang Pencipta. Ya! Semua kembali kepada ALLAH. Itulah bila melihat kenyataan yang ada.

Bila di pikirkan dengan akal sehat, jika kemampuan sang peramal dari ALLAH juga, dan mereka bisa melihat bahwa tahun 2012 adalah "Tahun Terakhir" bagi bumi, kita juga ga bisa bilang dan bersikukuh untuk bilang "Saya Tidak Percaya,dan Tidak Akan Percaya!". Kembali ke diri kita yang melihat ini semua, pikirkan dengan tenang, dan betanyalah pada diri sendiri, 'apakah ALLAH memberikan tanda kiamat sudah dekat dengan melalui para peramal?' Jawablah,'ya bisa jadi'.

Dan bila kita berkata begitu bukan berarti kita percaya sepenuh nya sama ramalan,tapi kita mengantisipasi ramalan itu. Jika itu benar,bagaimana?dan jangan lah langsung memiliki rasa takut yang berlebihan,karena semua nya berjalan menurut rencana ALLAH, bukan rencana 'para peramal'. Dengan berpikir untuk mengantisipasi ramalan, kita akan semakin mendekatkan diri kepada ALLAH, dan itu lah yang ALLAH inginkan, karena sekarang ini, semakin banyak manusia yang hanya mementingkan hidup nya sendiri dan dunia, ketimbang mementingkan kedekatan nya kepada Allah. Dengan kita dekat kepada Allah, tidak ada yang perlu di khawatirkan,bukan?


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